今天在做一个图像检索系统的Demo演示时需要用到一个比较大的数据库,查看了一下手头的几个数据库,决定选用Caltech 101。Caltech 101有102类,在101_ObjectCategories文件夹下有102个文件夹,而每一个文件夹下的图像文件名都是以
image_0xxx.jpg`这种方式命名的,如果一个个的把它们搬出来的话,不仅重名而且还费时费力。因为对python比较熟悉,知道这事用python来完成肯定不怎么难,费了10来分钟,写了个脚本,圆满的完成了任务。写完再搜Caltech 101链接的时候,发现已有人对这个问题做了处理,详见这里。大致瞄了几眼,感觉跟自己下面用python写的相比,写的好复杂。
willard@willard-PC~/Pictures/101_ObjectCategories $ tree -L 2
├── anchor
│ ├── image_0001.jpg
│ ├── image_0002.jpg
│ └── image_0003.jpg
├── ant
│ ├── image_0001.jpg
│ ├── image_0002.jpg
│ └── image_0003.jpg
└── ......
├── image_0001.jpg
├── image_0002.jpg
└── ......
willard@willard-PC~/Pictures/101_ObjectCategories $ tree -L 1
├── anchor_image_0001.jpg
├── anchor_image_0002.jpg
├── anchor_image_0003.jpg
├── ant_image_0001.jpg
├── ant_image_0002.jpg
├── ant_image_0003.jpg
├── binocular_image_0001.jpg
├── binocular_image_0002.jpg
└── ......
import os
from re import sub
import fnmatch
# walk through the folder
f = open("./101_ObjectCategories/101_ObjectCategories.txt", "w")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('101_ObjectCategories'):
for str_each_folder in dirs:
# we get the directory path
str_the_path = '/'.join([root, str_each_folder])
files_number = len(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(str_the_path), '*.jpg'))
# list all the files using directory path
for str_each_file in os.listdir(str_the_path):
# look for the files we want
if str_each_file.endswith('.jpg'):
# now add the new one
str_new_name = str_each_folder + '_' + str_each_file
# full path for both files
str_old_name = '/'.join([str_the_path, str_each_file])
str_new_name = '/'.join([root, str_new_name])
# now rename using the two above strings
# and the full path to the files
os.rename(str_old_name, str_new_name)
# we can print the folder name so we know
# that all files in the folder are done
print '%s, %d images' % (str_each_folder, files_number)
f.writelines('%s, %d images\n' % (str_each_folder, files_number))